Did you start daydreaming even as you read that title? Did you ever drive home, pull into the driveway and wonder, I don’t remember a thing about how I got here, but I got a wonderful idea on the way! Have you ever mowed the lawn or folded a bunch of clothes and said to yourself, I don’t know where the time went but this creative solution just popped into my head!

Did you know that daydreaming is good for you? I should say, calculated daydreaming, which seems like an oxymoron, but let me explain. Some researchers think that performing routine tasks can create an environment that breeds a relaxed daydreaming state, perfect for hearing a God thought, an intuitive solution to a problem that has been bugging you, or an idea.

Let me clarify, when you do something routine, it can lead to “creative daydreaming”! 

“Creative daydreaming” is not:

  • Sitting around with your imagination running at one hundred miles an hour
  • Forcing yourself to sit by yourself and worry 
  • Trying to empty your mind
  • Mentally trying to attack a problem
  • Focusing hard by trying to let your mind wander 

The key is routine. My Pastor has said more than once that he gets some of his best ideas on his riding lawn mower! It starts with a boring tasks, yes it could very well be that boring tasks are good for your creativity!

I’ve decided to call this method or idea “creative daydreaming or deliberate daydreaming”, and I think it’s good for you, me and especially kids. Have you ever noticed how little ones do repetitive play over and over again? Perhaps they are creatively daydreaming?

In our overly connected world, it’s good to disconnect. 

Artists use a technique in composing a painting and they call it rest for the eye. While the painting may have a lot of busy elements or a lot going on, some artists feel that the viewer needs some rest. The idea is that not all of the painting should be complex. Too much action can make the viewer’s eye tired or exhausted. 

Quiet places and quiet spaces is what I tried to create in my mini 5 x 7 Daydreaming 1 painting here:

© Laura Gabel, “Daydreaming 1”. 5×7, framed to 13×16, mixed media. $99.
Available for purchase here.

Do you daydream?

Why not stop for a moment right now. Let your eyes rest on the soothing colors of the water and the sky. Don’t be afraid to let your mind wander. Or maybe the next time you’re cutting the grass, shoveling snow, washing dishes or folding laundry…..see where your mind might go. What are you daydreams?

It certainly is the season to dream big dreams. I wonder what Mary, the mother of Jesus thought when the angel announced to her that she was going to give birth to the Son of God!

what are you waiting for
The Annunciation, by Leonardo DaVinci

I do believe that when Mark Lowry wrote this song that he was doing some creative daydreaming by entering the heart of Mary as she carried the long awaited Messiah. I hope you will enjoy pondering what our Lord’s mother may have been thinking and that it brings you great joy this season!

I’d love to hear about some of your routine tasks and how they have birthed some good ideas for you!


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