Are you interested in a cure for self pity? Keep reading, and I think you might be surprised! I hope my “Arizona Longings” series of paintings have inspired you. They certainly have been an exciting journey for me.
© Laura Gabel, “Arizona Longings: Turquoise Desert”. 5×7 framed to 13×16, mixed media. $250. Purchase Here © Laura Gabel, “Arizona Longings: Desert Love”. 5×7 framed to 13×16, mixed media. $250. Purchase Here © Laura Gabel, “Arizona Longings: Crimson Canyon”. 5×7 framed to 13×16, mixed media. $250. Purchase Here
People process their emotions and difficulties in different ways. Perhaps you never thought of processing grief, anger, unhappiness or resentment through a creative effort. But I can advise you that it is a healthy way of working through such seasons.
It doesn’t matter whether you knit, paint, write music, needlepoint, woodwork, create floral arrangements, or work in the garden, doing something is good for you!
Lela Cooper
“In times of hardship, you have to stop asking God, “Why?” and ask, “What’s Next?“
Even if what is next is a baby step, it is a step in the right direction.
I honestly believe that self-pity is the most destructive of all emotions. While a short period of self-pity is inevitable, it is selfish. That’s right, I said selfish. Dwelling on your own pain is like constantly picking at a scab and expecting it to get better.
Self-pity is a choice and a dangerous one. It’s also very tempting. After losing my husband unexpectedly after 36 years of marriage, it would have been very easy to slip into that dark place of feeling sorry for myself day after day after day.
“Self-Pity is the best way to get and stay depressed.“
For me, doing something, painting this series, allowed me to feel the pain and process more of it. Nothing in this life is wasted. God can use your brokenness. So here is the last painting and honestly, my favorite. I called it, Arizona Drama Queen.

Life is exciting and painful. One way to deal with it, is to put it in perspective. I have very much enjoyed watching Nicholas James Vujicic on YouTube. He is an Australian preacher and motivational speaker born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of all four limbs.
After a period of self-pity Nicholas decided to do something. I recommend that you do something too!