If you have a cat or many cats as we have had, you know they are defined by curiosity, can be clever, amusing and sometimes downright frustrating! Dogs are really human-centric, but cats simply tolerate humans. They are busy investigating!
“What are you doing, why are you here, what do you want?” These are some of the questions I want to raise in the viewer’s mind when looking at this painting.
“Curiosity may have killed the cat” as the saying goes, but the inquisitive, investigative mind is apparently great for humans. Why?
1. Curiosity causes wonder! Wonder is a child-like state that asks, dreams and delights. When we wonder, we lose a sense of time, space, circumstance. Driving, running, painting, walking, playing an instrument all induce a state of relaxation because it suspends the dance of life. That’s why sitting on the front porch or on the back deck will always be a timeless activity. Wondering about nature and in my case, thinking about the Author of Creation brings an endless amount of questions and a desire to learn more.
2. Curiosity is a trait that demands that we explore! So, conversely, curiosity can cause discomfort. My wonderful husband is always asking why. I like that about him but sometimes the why takes a long time to think through, to answer, to find meaning and understanding. My get-it-done mentality causes me to push the whys, the wonder, away, naturally to my own detriment.
3. Curiosity causes anxiety! That’s why we like a good story, an exciting movie. It’s good to cultivate an eager state of not knowing. We become stronger, wiser. Whenever I ask myself a question such as, “I wonder what will happen if I add watercolor to this painting,” or I sketch a composition that differs from the photograph, I cause problems, but I’m better for them. Asking why am I here, what am I created for, what’s my purpose, these are unsettling questions that are easily pushed away with an opiate dose of tv.
A life without curiosity is flat, sluggish, dull and safe. So let your “inner kitty” spring into action this week! My challenge for you is to seek some opportunities to stretch your curiosity! If you have any curious ideas about curiosity, please comment below.
Leesa Donner · February 19, 2016 at 10:24 am
This is so interesting and true. There is something so sharp and definitive which you’ve captured perfectly with this painting. These types of paintings stretch me because it forces me to see the image as the painter sees it. No room for interpretation or my own spin. It’s clear and delineated. I must conform my mind to it. This reminds me of God’s word. It’s clear and I must take it as it is. Years ago I pondered a heavy theological question and I had in my mind the answer I wanted from God. But as I search the truth through the Scriptures I realized that my truth and His truth did not line up. And so I had to lay my truth aside for his. Funny thing I found it to be very freeing and the more I accepted his perspective on this deep theological question the easier it became to see the truth.
Vana Meyers · July 23, 2016 at 11:29 pm
I like this pastel work. Cats are indeed curious and so much more. Very nice!
Michelle · July 25, 2016 at 4:02 pm
Thanks so much, Vana. I’m glad you like it!