Our society is over the top when it comes to attracting abundance! It’s the nature of humans to want more, bigger, better. So what does an onion have to do with attracting abundance? I painted one onion, this lone Allium cepa (Latin “cepa” = onion). I could have painted a whole passel of onions: green onions, yellow onions, sweet onions, red onions, white onions, and…….shallots, Spanish, purple, pearl, cocktail, Egyptian, Walla Walla, Red Wing, Welsh.
Well, isn’t more better? We all know the answer to that–not necessarily. It has been said, that variety is the spice of life though. Epicurus said “Not what we have, but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance.” Now, I am not advocating a life of reckless pleasure as Epicurus did, though there is nothing necessarily wrong with happiness or pleasure.
But I think he has a point. Can we find pleasure in 1 onion, 1 mate, 1 whatever, instead of desperately seeking alternatives?
It’s great to find joy in little things. The abundance of a child’s laughter, the love that endures, a beautiful hike through the woods.
Stop, look , listen and try cultivating the state of enjoying what you have. Concentrating on what we have is truly an exercise in the abundant life. It’s much more filling and fulfilling than trying to magnetically rake in more money.
Today, focus on enjoying what you have already been given by the Creator: His creation, this day…and an onion!
What do you consider the abundant life to be?